SECURITY: SIULP, 8th National Congress “How to respond to the feeling of insecurity of the Italian citizens and to promote economic development”


    The National Congress will take place in Rome on 2-3 May  2018 at the Hotel Barcelò Aran Mantegna, 130.

    According to statistical data the number of offences in Italy is dropping as against the data of the major European capitals where an increasing trend is registered. However, the Italian citizens declare, more than ever before, that they feel insecure.

    The serious crisis of justice, that does not succeed in guaranteeing the certain and immediate application of the penalty despite the Judiciary’s double effort compared to their European counterparts, the crisis of the penitentiary system that, in spite of the work carried out by the law enforcement bodies, has completely lost its rehabilitation purpose with overcrowded prisons (about 20,000 inmates exceeding the prison capacity),  as well as the widespread unease caused by the  serious economic crisis and by the mass media amplification of anxiety-inducing news, have created the citizens’ general perception of reality as insecure/unsafe.

    This perception is also shared by businessmen who see that expenditure for prevention activities is constantly increasing and that criminals, though arrested by the police, are immediately released. On their opinion, this fuels insecurity and urges them to de-localize their business.

    Said perception, however, is not always supported by concrete data on crime trends.

    Today, according to some surveys conducted by various institutes, due to the worsening of the economic crisis, 70% of the Italians declare to feel unsafe as against 55% of 15 years ago when the number of crimes was much higher.

    Another significant data element is the fear of difference which leads 46% of the citizens to declare that foreign nationals represent a danger to their safety.

    The above issues will be included in the Congress agenda, together with the crime turnover and its incidence on the legal economy, the reiteration that security cannot and should not be considered as a cost, but as a prerequisite for a serene and safe social, political and economic development of our cities.

    The highest State Authorities have been invited to participate in the works which will be attended by the Minister of the Interior Marco Minniti, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Angelino Alfano, the former Minister of the Interior Roberto Maroni, the Justice Undersecretary Cosimo Ferri and the Defence Undersecretary Domenico Rossi, the Chief of the Italian National Police – Director General of Public Security, Prefect Franco Gabrielli, the President of ANCI  Antonio De Caro, and Paolo Romani from Avviso Pubblico, as well as by numerous members of Parliament, in particular those of the political parties that for the special attention devoted to security received the greater consensus from the Italian citizens in the last elections.

    Moreover, a roundtable “Security as an engine for the development of the future: what future for security?” has been organized. The debate will be moderated by Paolo Del Debbio, and attended by the SIULP Secretary General Felice Romano, the former Minister of the Interior Enzo Scotti, the members of Parliament Fiano Emanuele, Maurizio Gasparri, Molteni Nicola, Rampelli Fabio and Tofalo Angelo. The works will be concluded by Annamaria Furlan, CISL Secretary General.

    The Congress will end on 4 May with the election of the new Secretary General and the National Secretariat Office, along with all the statutory bodies.

    Rome, 27 April 2018
